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Anyway, det brukade komma en show i Mtv som hette yo mama, och det gick ut på att dizza varandras mamma.
Lägger in några av de skämten de brukade andvända:
- difference between titanic and yo mamma: Do you know what the difference between yo momma and the titanic?
The titanic sunk, yo momma floats.
- Around The House: Yo mamma's so fat, when she sits around the house, she really sits A-R-O-U-N-D the house.
-Fat Feet: Yo Mamma's so far, a friend showed her a picture of her feet. She didn't recognize them.
-So Poor: Yo mamma's so poor, she can't afford to go on welfare.
Yo mamma's so poor, she got thrown out of a homeless shelter.
Yo mamma's so poor, she tried to use food stamps on a gumball machine.
Yo mamma's so poor, a burgler broke into her house and left her some money.
Mama so stupid! Your Mama is so stupid, she sits on the Television and watches the sofa.
Saknar den showen
Anyway, det brukade komma en show i Mtv som hette yo mama, och det gick ut på att dizza varandras mamma.
Lägger in några av de skämten de brukade andvända:
- difference between titanic and yo mamma: Do you know what the difference between yo momma and the titanic?
The titanic sunk, yo momma floats.
- Around The House: Yo mamma's so fat, when she sits around the house, she really sits A-R-O-U-N-D the house.
-Fat Feet: Yo Mamma's so far, a friend showed her a picture of her feet. She didn't recognize them.
-So Poor: Yo mamma's so poor, she can't afford to go on welfare.
Yo mamma's so poor, she got thrown out of a homeless shelter.
Yo mamma's so poor, she tried to use food stamps on a gumball machine.
Yo mamma's so poor, a burgler broke into her house and left her some money.
Mama so stupid! Your Mama is so stupid, she sits on the Television and watches the sofa.
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